Saturday, June 26, 2010

Searching For Walt Bayless

5:40 A.M........ The sun is yawning over the ridges of the Wasatch Front. Kissing the earth for the first time, a sense of life erupts through out the valley. The sunrise is a beautiful thing to witness. It symbolises so much. Life, rebirth, a new beginning. But just as beautiful and ambient as the sunrise can be, a mere twelve hours later it is gone. It makes a magnificent exit, not warm and vibrant as its entrance, but cool and calm, and majestic. Leaving a lasting impression that leaves you wandering if it will ever come back.

Walt Bayless is a man of mystery. His history loaded with tails of epic grappling battles. It is the modern tale of William Wallace. The hard part with sorting out Bayless History is deciding where it began, the Alpha. For like the Bible so many great tales are told, but few actually witnessed any of it. There are many historians of Walt Bayless. Utah is riddled with Black Belts under the tutelage of Walt Bayless. All very good practitioners who swear allegiance under Walt's Jiu Jitsu flag.
My story begins with a man who I shall name Gordan to protect his identity. ( Bayless followers are very funny about revealing too much about Walt, for in fear they will be shunned from the bosom of the Creator). Gordan is a historian of Walt, unofficial of course. He knows all the tales, has countless VHS tapes of Walts early teachings, and even knows his day to day schedule down to the time he answers his emails.

Many Conspiracy theorists including myself think Walt does not exist, the legend has grown to large for anyone to believe that this man exists. Stories of how Rickson Gracie refused a match with Walt, after Bayless pummeled the mat with his brothers. Tales of secret Jiu Jitsu sessions in Walt's basement were only a lucky few were invited, and no one would speak of the contents of the class. Adventures of Walt traveling the world earning Black Belts in Sambo, Judo, Kung Fu, Karate, and Jiu Jitsu. The one question always left a blank stare to anyone that was asked it. "How is he like in person?" There was a strange coincidence that everyone who was telling these elaborate tales, had never even met the man! In a court of law, if asked, can you give definite evidence that walt exists? The answer would be no! Just hype and enough stories to write his biography. So I dug deeper into my dilemma.
Out of the gate, I searched the web. Countless hours of Walt came up short, just a painter and tons of old posts on his legends, and youtube videos of his students. Next I heard a rumor. That walt had a facebook page. I explored it, but no hard evidence has shown me that it is actually Walt Bayless! Anybody can create a fake profile, and I wouldn't put it past Walt's cult to do such a task. Then a Epiphany hit me like hot dog covered with guacamole and jalapenos. Gordan!! Of course the man that I have known since I took up Jiu Jitsu has to know! His tutelage is traced back to Walt, and some point in his career he has had to meet him. So one day, I had the golden opportunity.......

Riding with Gordan to the gym I asked how good Walt really was in his early days. A look of suspicion spat across Gordan's face. Nervously looking side to side almost like we were being followed, he says in a low voice. "I have a DVD converted from VHS of Walt Bayless and Eric Shulz grappling. It wasn't meant for the public's eyes, but merely a learning tool for the both of them." Gordan went on to explain how he came across this rare piece of antiquity. Given to him by a Walt Bayless student at Jeremy Horn's gym it was the holy grail of Combat Jiu Jitsu. After our brief workout we rushed home, popped in the DVD and witnessed history......

The picture was fussy, obviously recorded when VHS was a primitive art. Schulz was easily recognizable, but who was this man dressed in yellow warm up pants, wrestling shoes, and a barrel chest complete with the chest fro? Gordan sat with his mouth drooling and said "THAT IS WALT BAYLESS!" I sat through one hour of appraisal on Walt this, and Walt that. Gordan was acting like a child meeting old Saint Nick for the first time. Gordan even had the the video broke down, to theories on what Bayless, and Eric were saying. Even when Schulz would tap Walt. Gordan would defend saying "Scholars say he does that on purpose to keep the opposition interested in the training session." Now I am a skeptic by nature! I like facts and good old cold hard evidence. This video would be thrown out of a court of law, due to the fact you can't distinguish who is who to the regular Joe who has no clue who these two are. I had one question for Gordan. "How do I know that is Walt Bayless.... I have never even seen a picture of him. So.... this can be anyone!" Gordan sat there slumped into this couch. His hand rested on his chin in deep thought. Then....his world shattered I seen it in his eyes. "Miles, your right I don't know. I guess I'm running on faith." (Eric Clapton reference).

It was in that moment when I realized what I have done. Feeling remorse in crippling someones hopes and dreams. Cause that is what Walt represents. A set of ideas, collective morals, and most of all hope. Hope that someone can be invincible, and inspire the human race through martial arts. I learned a valuable lesson through my search for Walt Bayless. It doesn't matter if he is real or not. If it keeps people like Gordan interested in Jiu Jitsu, then the fable is worth it. Because the human soul is fueled by faith and hope.


  1. Bravo! I think you just opened a can of worms, though...


    Could this be the man you're looking for?

  3. Interesting post Miles. I can see it has been just over a year since you've posted, but I will add my comments regardless in the hopes of restoring your friend, "Gordon"'s faith. Yes, Walt does represent many ideals, but he is also one very real and amazing person. You referenced Eric Schultz above, but it was actually Mark Schultz, wrestling legend, shown in that video with Walt, who also happens to name Walt specifically as his toughest opponent ever on his current website:
    As his fiance, I can attest to the fact that he is real, he does indeed teach private classes, and is the most amazing human being I've ever had the pleasure to know. Blessings to you on your quest in the martial arts. Walt's website for his current projects is:

  4. Walt Bayless is Back! Teaching again in the Gentle Art.
    Contact Information
    Kingdom Training Center
    (801) 330-1001

    Address 1431 South 1800 West
    Woods Cross, UT, United States 84087

    Additionally, Check out his New Book "The Bad House" Publication Date: August 11, 2013

    Thank you Sensei Walt. Love, Thunder and Blessings.
